Monday, September 30, 2013

Mulling Over MoFo Memories :)

Happy National Hot Mulled Cider Day!
Celebrate the passing of another magnificent month of vegan madness with a mug of steamy warm spicy cider...makes me happier than Pooh bear lickin' a honeypot.  ;)
Did you find new friends and discover new deliciousness this month? Did you explore exotic countries and cuisines? I sailed from Scotland to Singapore, from Austria to Australia, from Brooklyn to Brazil, piling up recipes to try in the coming days...yippee! A zillion thanks to everyone who participated and shared and encouraged and inspired...vegan MoFo'ers, you rock!  :)

Spice up your own homemade cider...

from Brittany at Real Sustenance

from Nancy at Spicie Foodie

Or mull up some farm-fresh cider...

from Mary at Mitten Machen

from PETA

from Sarah at The Sweet Life

from Darla at Bakingdom

from Gina at Running to the Kitchen

Mulling spices make a superdelicious gift...just mix the dry spices together and pour into a little paper bag, print out a label with the recipe on it and close the bag with a colorful ribbon...kind of like this but with spices instead of seeds.
You can use tea bags or spice bags with a recipe tag tied on, bag it and box it or double-quadruple the recipe and put it in a little jar or tiny tin.

Don't forget a vegan-love mug too!  :)

If you are spice-deprived or just too lazy, errr...busy to fix a mix, you can buy it!
Mulling Spice from Simply Organic
Mulling Spice from Davidson's Organics
Mulling Spice Bags and Gift Packets from Olde Tradition Spice
Mulling Spices from The Spice House
Mulling Spices from Penzeys Spices

What was your most fun MoFo post to write? Did you virtually visit a new vegan in a foreign country? Who or where would you like to really visit and what vegan yumfulness would you like to try? What's your favorite Fall get-all-toasty-inside drink?

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