Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Navel Orange Day!

Blogger of the Day: Dawn at Kitchen Travels

Navel oranges are a supersweet way to ease off all that Halloween candy and back into healthy eating! About 60 calories each and powerpacked with energy and vitamin C...just peel and eat for a quick nutrient fix or whip up some citrus deliciousness!  :)

Navel notes...
• Navel and Valencia are the most common varieties of oranges. Valencias often have seeds and are excellent for juicing. Navels are typically bigger, easy to peel and free of seeds, with a cute "belly button" on one end.  :)
• Navels are available from November through mid Spring. They tend to be sweeter as the season turns colder.
• Look for oranges that are heavy in the hand with a pleasant citrus scent. Avoid those with an overly sweet acrid smell or a mushy stem end.
• Skins with deep divots have a thicker rind...shallow divots signify a thinner rind and extra juiciness inside!
• Peel them open and you'll often find a mini twin orange under the button!

Enchantingly talented Dawn is a professional dessert event designer...a creative culinary art if there ever was one! Her special occasion tables of treats are crazy beautiful but her website recipes are impressively simple. I love this salad...sweet oranges and jicama with raisins and spice spin a cheerful combination that is wholesome and filling and refreshingly yumful!  :)

Share your favorite way to eat a fruit salad, sprinkled with cinnamon, drizzled in chocolate or...?  ;)

Find more feasts in our 2014 Daily Food Holiday and Featured Blogger Series!

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